Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder

2008 | Ben Stiller

The movie they think they're making... isn't a movie anymore.

Average rating   7.5 out of 10

(2.19) Team America: World Police | (2.09) Zoolander | (2.08) American Made | (2.08) Pain & Gain | (2.01) Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Niels Risgaard Hansen     2008-12-06 7 out of 10

There is a couple of good laughs in the movie, and a wide range of great actors. I was quite impressed every time a new one popped up on the screen.

The idea of the plot is not original, but nicely done. The twist with "4 Leaf" also adds a funny surprise to the story.

The fake trailers at the beginning are quite amusing, and I would bet they would have made nice movies too. Great humor!

I agree with Peter that Tom Cruise's part is very funny. This must absolutely have been the strangest part in a movie he has ever played.

All in all a funny movie. Great for a hang over or a lazy Saturday.
Peter Buchardt     2008-10-21 8 out of 10

This is a very good laugh, with some very good actors. It's a bit weird that i tries to serious about some of its parts[action] and then very casual on others[slapstick humor]...

Best parts of the movie is defiantly the ones starring Tom "Fuck You" Cruise. He's character is the funniest since Happy Gilmore[hehe]

And the movie was actually worth the 99999 $$$ they charge you for seeing a movie these days...

8 of 10 for the best comedy action in years.

And bad guys...: Try that at home!

- Peter

P.s. Why is it that people who love this movie, don't like Adam Sandler? I do...

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