Spider-Man: Far from Home

Spider-Man: Far from Home

2019 | Jon Watts

Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever.

Average rating   7 out of 10

(4.73) Spider-Man: Homecoming | (3.36) Avengers: Endgame | (2.5) Avengers: Age of Ultron | (2.4) Captain Marvel | (2.38) Iron Man 2

Mark Bladt     2020-11-17 7 out of 10

”Spider-Man: Far from Home” is the second Spider-Man movie in the Disney MCU. It is directed by Jon Watts, who before this one had great success helming “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and has also been hired by Disney to direct the next Spider-Man movie. You might say that Jon Watts is well versed in the universe of the Disney Spider-Man franchise, and he obviously works together very well with Disney and the recuring actors in these movies.   

With their superhero movies also known as the MCU Disney has created a giant superhero franchise unlike anything we have ever seen. This movie takes places, after huge changes have shaken the franchise.

Our hero Peter Parker, once again portrayed by Tom Holland, has a lot of stuff to struggle with in his life, when we meet him in this movie.

As Peter Parker he must learn to accept that his friends and family have lifes of their own. As Spider-Man he must accept, that he can’t depend on his mentor Tony Stark aka. Iron Man anymore, and the must take on a larger responsibility and handle bigger challenges.

This time the threat is in the shape of Mysterio – the master of illusions played delightfully by Jake Gyllenhaal. Mysterio is a very good choice as the villain in a movie, where the hero has to figure out, who he really is and what truly matters in his life.

Spider-Man has always been the most “normal” and relatable of the great Marvel heroes. And those things are clearly shown here. Tom Holland plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man as perky and optimistic in some scenes but also as nervous and insecure in other scenes. It suits the character and Tom Holland is charming in the role. As a viewer you relate to the character when he wins, when he loses, when he is disappointed and when he is on a bridge in Prague trying to tell M.J., this time played by Zendaya, that he loves her.   

”Spider-Man: Far from Home” fits very nicely in Disney’s superhero universe and even the supporting characters, that we have seen in other movies evolve.

If you watched “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and liked it, you are going to love this one.

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