Gringo2018 | Nash EdgertonGRINGO, a dark comedy mixed with white-knuckle action and dramatic intrigue, explores the battle of survival for businessman Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo) when he finds himself crossing the line from law-abiding citizen to wanted criminal.
Michael Larsen 2021-01-06 | ||
The plot of Gringo (2018) is a total boring mess. The film has some fun ideas, but the execution of it doesn't hold up. David Oyelowo does his best in a very thankless lead role that does not give him much work with. The same can be said about Charlize Theron, Joel Edgerton, Thandie Newton, Amanda Seyfried and Sharlto Copley. Their characters are so poorly written and would have worked better as SNL-sketches, but only maybe! There is some good action and funny moments but very few in between to save the film. But you can easily skip it and see these great movie stars in something much better. |